Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How clouds are formed? when I was younger I use to think that clouds are just huge cotton balls floating in the sky or something that was put there to show us the different shapes in the world.Then, being on a plane for the first time when I was nine years old, flying thru them, I realized that clouds are really just visible water vapor. I am going to give you a few clues and tell you exactly how clouds are made.

How clouds are made is when the the water evaporates, rises, and fills up the atmosphere. The water vapor in the sky clings to different numerous particles or dust found in the atmosphere. The dust in the atmosphere can come from many different things in the air including dirt, fires, sea spray, bacteria from any other living or non living thing. As water vapor rises, it begins to decrease in temperature. Now that the lower temperature of the air, is more eligible to hold its capacity of water vapor.

 Each cloud is different. Their are several different types of clouds, Stratus, Altostratus, Cirrus, Cumulus. All of these clouds move though? Why? Because the clouds move with the wind. Some high cirrus clouds are pushed along by a certain jet stream. Clouds can travel up to 100 miles-per-hour. When a cloud from a thunderstorm is formed they usually only travel up to about 30 to 40 miles-per-hour. This is a little information that I think you would find interesting about clouds, because I know I did.

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