Friday, October 25, 2013


What I would tell my kids when they are at the age to have an experience in drugs is, honestly everyone has a hard time in some part of there life, but drugs are not the route to chose. I would never want any of my kids to part take in drugs of any sort of drug. There are so many drugs and so many people who die from them each year. One of the main things I would say is " Don`t listen to anyone who say`s you wont get hurt, because they feel great and they make you cool. I would tell them to stay as far away from alcohol as they can, because alcohol is almost just as bad. Hundreds of people die each year from use of alcohol.

Main ideas that I would share with them would be. I would answer any question that they wanted to know about drugs or at least tell them as much as I know. I would try to keep drugs and alcohol away from my kids as much as possible. Normally in some school`s there is always one person that would influence drugs or alcohol to who ever they can. Telling and showing my kids pictures of what could happen to you if you start to use different drugs. Drugs really effect people`s lives and ruin them. I would never want to lose a child to any sort of street drug because I could never imagine losing a child.

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