Thursday, November 7, 2013


If I were stranded on a deserted island and I had to chose three things, one of the things I would be is , I would bring my dog. I feel like if I brought my dog on a deserted island I would feel a lot safer on the island. Also he could protect me, and I feel like I would not be so lonely if I had my dog. My dog is just like my best friend. So having my dog would be a great experience .

The second thing I would want to bring is a box of seeds. I would bring apple seeds. That way I would plant the seeds and apple trees would grow over time. But until the tree grows I could just eat the seeds. If I brought seeds I could still get protein and still be eating and getting energy. I would want to bring apples because there healthy.

As my second choice I would bring a knife. I would bring a knife for protection. Also if I ran out of food I could kill animals. Being safe is the maine issue on a deserted island, because you don`t know what is surrounding you at night time. And with a knife you could cut down branches and clear a path for a certain root. 

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